13 May 2009

Recent Renovations

Our second most recent home improvement involved much chemistry:

Biochemistry, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Gorilla Glue.

It also involved Keith using a hairdryer.

We no longer trip on the sticking-up edge of kitchen linoleum. I spilled many liquids leaving the kitchen in our first couple weeks.

The latest development:

1.28 gpf toilets!

We went to the home store at 9:30pm to buy these fancy-flushers. We were the only ones there. And we were SO excited! The old toilets clogged approximately 3.7 times each week.

Next up: windows and exterior paint!

08 May 2009

Halloween Costume Part I

I found the first piece to this year's Halloween costume.* I have been looking forward to this since last Halloween, when I was Sarah Palin (like 99% of everyone my age).

Palin 2008.

Here's to 2009:

Is that a SILVER sweater?

Indeed! And it requires much interpretive dance.

*Yes, Meg. This is what you think it is. But it is also super secret.

07 May 2009

I have like 10 ideas...

But I can never get the item requiring a picture, the camera, the cord for the camera to connect to the computer, and the computer all in the right order or in the same place.
