25 April 2011

Looong Time!

I've been off in a world without tambourines for approximately 19 months.

The tambourines are jinglin'.

I have plenty of thinking time these days. I sprained a muscle in my upper back 2.5 weeks ago and went on part-time disability at work, so I now work 20 hours a week and lay on the couch 40 hours a week. Working part time is really nice, however, I've got 3 quilts, a hat, a purse, and a rice pack to sew, a superhero cape to fix and I'm not allowed to sit at my sewing machine. :(

But I can still watch the yard come along! We officially decided to re-vamp the entire front yard this year so that we can repair to foundation under our front door/living room. We've ripped out all of the big bushes, had a Japanese Maple moved, and tomorrow all of the concrete will be removed. After that comes the foundation repair (a 1-day process!), new concrete paths and porch, a retaining wall, sprinkler system, a LAWN, and lots of plants. We hope to seed the lawn on Labor Day and get to mowing.

A few house pictures:

This is the house last March

This is the house today. Less bushes; mailbox and maple moved.

The other angle

Current steps/walkway

Location of future steps and walkway

Woot! Maybe I'll post more exciting things soon.


1 comment:

carol said...

I'm hoping for lots of posting soon!